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License issues

License issues can occur even after you apply the license via a Helm values file. Use the following processes to identify and troubleshoot license issues.

Check for a NextGen license

Follow these steps to confirm that your Harness installation includes a NextGen license:

  1. Retrieve the MongoDB password:

    kubectl get secret -n <namespace> mongodb-replicaset-chart -o jsonpath={.data.mongodb-root-password} | base64 --decode | awk '{print $1}'
  2. Open an interactive Shell session in the MongoDB container:

    kubectl exec -it mongodb-replicaset-chart-0 -n <namespace> -- /bin/sh
  3. Connect to the MongoDB instance:

  4. Authenticate to the database in the admin role:

    use admin
    db.auth('admin', <password>)
  5. Set the context to Harness NextGen and locate the license:

    use ng-harness
  6. If the licenses are present, proceed with refreshing the license.

Refresh a NextGen license

Use the following strategies to refresh a NextGen license.

Discard the Redis cache for the NextGen license

  1. Retrieve the Redis master host:

    kubectl exec -it redis-sentinel-harness-server-0 -n <namespace> -- redis-cli info | grep master_host | cut -c 13-
  2. Find the Redis master service:

    kubectl get svc -n <namespace> | grep <IP-From-Previous-Command>

    Copy the service name from the result.

  3. Delete license keys:

    kubectl exec -it <Pod-Name-From-Previous-Step> -n <namespace> -- redis-cli del "hCache/NGLicense" "jcache_timeout_set:{hCache/NGLicense}"
  4. Reload the UI.

    If this does not refresh the license:

    • Repeat the process a second time.
    • Wait 5 minutes before you reload the UI.

Additional troubleshooting for "Failed to Retrieve License Information"

Step 1: Rule Out Browser Cache Issues

  1. Try logging in through Incognito Mode or a different browser:
    • If this resolves the issue, proceed to clear the browser cache.
  2. Hard refresh the page:
    • Press Cmd+Shift+R (Mac) or Ctrl+Shift+R (Windows/Linux) to perform a hard refresh.
  3. Clear browser cache and cookies:
    • Go to your browser settings and clear the cache and cookies for the affected webpage.

Step 2: Verify services status

Check all services:

  • Run the following command to ensure all services are running correctly:
    kubectl get pods -n <namespace>
  • If any services are in an unhealthy state, it might cause missing data in the database.

Step 3: Delete license cache

You can delete the license keys:

kubectl exec -it <Service-From-Previous-Step> -n <namespace> -- redis-cli del "hCache/NGLicense" "jcache_timeout_set:{hCache/NGLicense}"

Step 4: Restart services

  1. Restart ng-manager:

    kubectl rollout restart deploy ng-manager -n <namespace>
  2. Restart harness-manager:

    kubectl rollout restart deploy harness-manager -n <namespace>

Step 5: Reload the UI

  • Try loading the UI again to check if the issue is resolved.

Step 6: Contact Support

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